IDYLLWILD, CA, 6/8/09 – This month, artists in Idyllwild will take to the hills for the Art Alliance of Idyllwild’s Annual Plein Air Festival. Plein Air is French for “Open Air” and participating artists create their works of art out of doors, to capture the essence of the natural beauty that surrounds them. The charming town of Idyllwild, with it’s colorful foliage and stately mountains, is the perfect setting for Plein Air art. Each year, local residents and visitors stroll through the alpine village and watch the artists at work.This year's Plein Air festivities begin Friday, June 12, with a lively panel discussion from 6 – 8 pm, at the Rainbow Inn (54420 South Circle Drive). On Saturday, June 13, artists will paint, draw and sculpt their creations at various locations around town. The artists will work from 8am until 2pm, which offers plenty of time to watch the works of art unfold. Be sure to pick up a map of the artists’ locations at the Village Centre gazebo.
The 3-day event culminates in a reception and art show held on Sunday, June 14. The event, sponsored by Guaranty Bank, will be held at the Rainbow Inn. This year’s judge is Cindy Triplett, a member of the San Diego Watercolor Society. Awards will be announced and the original works created during the festival will be offered for sale. The art show will be open from 9am until 1pm.
The 2009 Plein Air Festival is part of the Art Alliance of Idyllwild’s “Second Saturdays” series, which presents an interesting art event on the second Saturday of each month from March through October. This year’s festival is sponsored by Dr. William Kern.The Art Alliance of Idyllwild is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization with a mission to promote art and art education, support local artists and galleries and expand Idyllwild’s reputation as one of the top 100 art towns in America.
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