IDYLLWILD, CA, 8/2/09 – What’s more appropriate for a California summer than a road trip? And what better way to end a road trip than by finding treasure at your destination? The Art Alliance of Idyllwild has planned an event that will delight road trippers and treasure hunters alike… the Art Alliance of Idyllwild’s Annual Treasure Hunt and Gallery Walk. Come join the fun, August 8, 2009, from noon until 5pm.
Your travels will lead you up a scenic mountain highway to the mountain town of Idyllwild, where the fresh mountain air carries a hint of pine and cedar. Pick up your treasure map ($3 each or 2 for $5) at the Village Centre gazebo after 11:30 am and plot your course for the day’s adventure. Each Art Alliance member gallery will offer a clue that will reveal one piece of the map. Solve the clue and write down your answer before heading out to the next gallery along the route.
Searching for clues is only part of the fun. In the afternoon, when the completed treasure maps are handed in, the prizes will be announced. This year’s treasure includes: two nights at the Creekstone Inn, two nights at the Quiet Creek Inn, 4 (2 for each day) passes to the Idyllwild Jazz in the Pines festival, 4 passes to the Living Desert, a 3-day camping pass to Lake Hemet Campground, gift certificates from Café Aroma, Arriba and Gastronome and a host of art work from local artists and galleries. Also among the prizes are tickets for the Art Alliance’s Annual Art Walk &Wine Tasting in October.
(Tickets are also available at: http://www.shop.towncrier.com/category.sc?categoryId=15.)
Your journey will reveal some of the finest original art in the region, made in a variety of mediums that include: oil and acrylic painting, sculpture, ceramics, photography, jewelry, furniture and glass art. A small sampling includes:
Visit Everitt’s Minerals and Gallery, to cruise past works of art made of fossil specimens from around the world, including the Sahara Desert of Morocco. Some of the shelled fossils date back 500 million years. Handmade jewelry by lapidary and silversmiths Larry and Janet Everitt will be available as well as ceramics by Idyllwild artists David Salk, Trudy Levy. Also enjoy art gourds by Brigitte Lopez and Elizabeth Green, paintings by Leslie Van Nimwegen, and bronzes by Marcia Cox and Lisa Lindahl.

Dore’s Mountain Metals, at Mountain Center, walk through the art garden and enjoy the creations of artists Dore Capitani and Bill Anson. Mountain Metals features two galleries and hundreds of outdoor sculptures.
The Treasure Hunt and Gallery Walk is part of the Art Alliance’s “Second Saturdays” series, which features a unique art event on the 2nd Saturday of each month from March through October. The AAI’s mission, as a 501(c) 3 organization, is to promote local artists and galleries and to enhance Idyllwild’s reputation as one of the “100 Best Small Art Towns in America,” as named by author John Villani.

For more information, visit the AAI web site http://www.artinidyllwild.com/
or call the toll-free number 877-439-5278.
Flying Pigment Studio
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