Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A Work In Progress . . .

"Each of us can be compared to an artist's unfinished canvas, a work in progress, a potential masterpiece in the making. Yet no masterpiece, or person, is ever quite finished. There seems to always be another stroke of paint for the artist to add, if he really thinks about it long enough. Thus, it is up to each individual to spend some time each day adding or reversing paint strokes onto his or her personal canvas in order to improve on the total picture. Simply put, it's up to each of us how we view ourselves.. "

Folow Twitter: @phylameana!/phylameana

Work in Progress, "Warrior Moon"
Work in Progress, "Wild Solitude"

"Always a Work in Progress"

Flying Pigment Studio
100% Reproduction Rights Reserved by artist:
Darcy Gerdes ©2012 World Wide Copyright

Thanks for stopping in...Darcy

Flying Pigment Studio

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